Message from our CEO

Organization in
Europe for
Sustainable future

We are very happy to make an announcement that Daiwa House group (Japan) opened 1st entity in Europe in March 2020, Daiwa House Europe B.V. (DHE) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where is the best access to all European nations.
In January 2021, Daiwa House Modular Europe B.V. (DHME: known as Jan Snel B.V. ) joined Daiwa House Group.
This will make a chemical reaction and contribute to the society, such as the housing shortage problem etc. in the major European cities.
The Daiwa House Group aims to create, use and enhance new worth together as "a group of co-creates value for individuals, communities and people's lifestyles."
We believe that our technologies and experiences of the offsite manufacturing, SMART and ECO township concept etc. would be valuable solution in the European social problem.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Kazuya Sawamoto